September 20, 2024  

COVID-19 Lockdown E-Pass Introduced for Individuals Engaged in Essential Services

April 13, 2020
The government has announced a provision of an online pass system (e-pass) for individuals and vehicles falling under the essential service category. The passes will be issued on the submission of an application form and will come into operation for the public from the coming Tuesday. The e-Pass will be valid only for the period of the lockdown or for the days requested by the applicants within the duration of the lockdown.For those looking to apply for e-passes, they can do so through the website, government will issue passes to the staff of hospitals and clinics, dispensaries, nursing homes, labs, ambulance services, telecom, bank/insurance employees, security, print/electronic media persons, dairies and groceries, delivery persons of e-commerce firms and app-based food services, waste management workers, and other essential health services.e

Published Date: 2020-04-13 22:40:39
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